Our Time
No time like the present
If we wait we may miss the moment
Stay in the now don’t worry about yesterday
It’s gone good bye let’s work on today
The future it does not exist
So why fret and worry and get all amiss
Time to change your habits of life and of worship
Listen to My Word pray and live don’t gossip
Hear and do what I ask of you all
And you’ll end up in My Heavenly Banquet Hall
Don’t listen and follow your wanton desires
To Hell will you end up amidst Satan’s eternal fires
Yes old wine skins will burst with the new fruit of the vine
But hear what I say open your heart and open your mind
Change your old habits wear a new wine skin in place of the old
My Words they will embolden you and make you not timid but bold
Hear what I say and do
And in Heaven with me will you end up too
JFFIII 1/15/24