What are you trading today for?
Are you on mountain time?
Mountain time, for me, is when I find myself waiting on God, asking life's big questions, seemingly not doing much. Mountain time, of course, is a time for much prayer, and it is a good reminder that mountains bring you closer to God.
Jesus had plenty of mountain time. He would go up on the mountain to pray before and after miracles and decisions. He revealed himself in the transfiguration, on a mountain.
So as we can see, mountain time can be useful, depending on what we make of it. If we find it hard to sit still during those times in life that call for patience and waiting (our mountain time), we will most likely either get frustrated, or move in a direction not of God's making.
Enjoy your mountain when God calls you to it. Notice the beauty around you, and don't get in a hurry to get busy doing stuff. Don't look for ways to move on, because God will let you know when it is time and what you should be doing, if anything.
Janet Cassidy
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