Truth matters
Let me say, first and foremost, I appreciate people who hand out copies of the New Testament on the street corner.
I remember when I was in college, a man handing out bibles and asked me if I wanted one. I told him I already have a lot of bibles (which is true), in fact, I had one in my bookbag (as an aside, can we get some manly Bible cases? Thanks)!
The guy understood, and didn't push the issue.
God bless him for it!
But, there are some people, who shout Bible verses through bullhorns.
I think this is the wrong way to preach the gospel.
It's not what they're saying isn't true, it is, but it's how they say it.
"The wages of sin is death"! (Romans 6:23). Okay, this is true, but say, what if someone doesn't know what sin is?
In this day and age, this is possible. Don't you first have to educate them on what sin is? Of course, you can give them a Bible, and tell them to look for lists of sins in the Bible, but I think the problem with that is that not every sin is in the Bible, or at least not every variation of sin. Okay, most Christians know that murder is wrong (Exodus 20:13), but there are some who will re-define the word "murder" to justify abortion. Some of these people are Christian, or at least claim to be.
There are people that will justify racism (yeah, I know, but it's true), by appealing to the Bible. (How they do that, is beyond me).
My point is this, evangelization requires more than just handing someone a Bible and telling them to look for a church. Some of those pocket New Testaments have guidelines (either in the front or the back) for life as a Christian, they usually will give practical advice, a list of verses to live by. And, this, by itself, is good. However, it will also tell you to look for a "Bible believing church". Okay, literally, ALL Christian churches appeal to the Bible, so that doesn't really narrow it down.
Wouldn't it make more sense to go to the church that can trace themselves back to Jesus? To find the "descendants" as it were, of Jesus's followers? After all, he said, "he who hears you, hears me", so who is that? And he also says, "and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” Well, if you just give me a Bible or yell verses at me, how do I even know what these things mean? Remember how I quoted Romans 6:23? Well, I left off a part. The second part says:, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (As the KJV renders it).
We should evangelize, but we can't just leave them where they are. It's not enough to say "hey, come to RCIA (or whatever they call it now). No, we need to love these people as brothers and sisters. Yes, they should know the Bible, but they should not be on their faith journey alone. Evangelization requires you to be an active participant in the evangelized's life.
But how does someone read the Bible and know what "eternal life" is? Let's be honest, very few Christians (and not just Catholics) actually read the Bible beyond some verses or books. How do you tell someone what "eternal means"? There are some pseudo-Christian groups that believe God was created, but still refer to him as eternal.
When your bring the gospel to someone, it's your job to help them live it, not only to live it, but to understand it. Don't just evangelize, be evangelized.