Conquering Sin - The Only Way to Succeed
The teachings of Jesus Christ, urging individuals to enter the "kingdom of God within you," harmonize beautifully with the principles of Yoga elucidated by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna's guidance emphasizes the restoration of King Soul, the reflection of God in man, to its rightful rulership over the bodily kingdom, attaining a profound awareness of the soul's divine states of consciousness. The convergence of these teachings reveals that dwelling in the inner kingdom of divine consciousness allows for an intuitive perception that penetrates the veils of matter, life energy, and consciousness, unveiling the God-essence at the heart of all things.
Raja Yoga, known as the royal path to God-union, serves as the scientific approach to realizing the kingdom of God within oneself. By diligently practicing sacred yoga techniques received through initiation from an authentic guru, one can discover this inner realm. The kicker? These techniques are in perfect alignment with the teachings of great Saints like St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis, St. Anthony, and so many others. Though the cultural garb may appear different, the doctrinal truths are identical.
The awakening of astral and causal centers of life force and consciousness becomes possible through these practices, acting as gateways to the transcendent consciousness found in heavenly regions. The attainment of such awakening leads to a profound understanding of the omnipresent God in His Infinite Nature, perceived within the purity of one's soul and even amidst the deceptive veils of ever-changing material forms and forces.
Digging deeper into Jesus' teachings reveals that not only was he sent to Save us, to die for our sins, but to provide us with profound wisdom that extends beyond surface simplicity. His teachings encapsulate the entire science of vedic yoga, offering a transcendental path to divine union through meditation. For those uncomfrotable with wisdom from other religions, it is recommended to study the giants in the Caremlite Charism, and the Orthodox mystic practice of hesychrism.