Being A Woman Worth Coming Home To
I spent the day beholding Sacred Art, at the Botticelli Art Exhibit. Did you know that beholding sacred art can become a profound prayer if you allow it to?
“Visio Divina is “sacred seeing” an ancient form of prayer, that is invoked upon viewing art. Viewing sacred and beautiful art allows for meditation upon the image, which thus allows space for deeper prayer and reflection.
Upon viewing beautiful artwork, such as an image of Christ, The Blessed Virgin Mary, or a Saint, one feels a closer connection to the things of the spirit, and the mind is filled with good and holy images that inspire us to think and dwell on the things of God. For instance, in viewing a painting of The Crucifixion we can more vividly imagine and meditate on The Passion and Death of Our Lord. In viewing an image of Our Lady, we can reflect on her angelic beauty and purity.
A great way to develop the habit of meditating on a mystery of the faith; “Visio Divina” allows space for appreciating beauty, deeper contemplation, and holy meditation.
Beauty attracts the soul to contemplate heavenly things. God is beauty Himself, and His beauty created beauty as a love letter to humanity, a letter that is signed by Himself. God delivers us this love letter of beauty, through His creation, most of all through the human person, who is made in His image and likeness. When the human person is connected to the things of the spirit, sacred art springs forth.
It is a wise and profitable habit, to view sacred art and meditate upon that which you behold. For we tend to become that which we consume. This is why sacred art within Churches is so important. Think of the magnificent frescos in Europe, and the ornamentation of traditional Catholic Churches. Since God Himself is beauty, beauty begins and ends with God. Therefore when we behold beauty, especially sacred art; we are truly beholding the beauty of God.
If we behold that which is Heavenly and good, we shall become as such. The more beauty you surround yourself with, the more beautiful your life becomes. Let us strive to surround ourselves with sacred beauty and allow ourselves to become holy and beautiful. One prominent way to achieve this is by surrounding ourselves with sacred art.
The home is supposed to be the Domestic Church. It is of great importance to have sacred art hung within one’s home. Hanging up Sacred Art such as The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, images of your favorite titles of Christ or Our Lady, and certain devotions or Saints, truly make the home feel more like the domestic church. In having a Priest bless the sacred art you will hang in your home, grace will be given through the image to all who dwell and enter into your home. Personal prayer will thus be enhanced upon viewing grace-filled sacred images within your home. It is common for people to go to their favorite statue or image at Church, light a candle, and pray. Bringing this practice into your own home cultivates a deeper and more poignant personal prayer time, and allows you to be surrounded with sacred beauty.
Undoubtedly, introducing the ancient form of prayer “Visio Divina” into your life will greatly enhance and inspire your walk with God.