Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Consolation
I was running late for Holy Mass and by the time I arrived, the church was already full. I took a seat in the back row and to my regret, was unable to see much of the Mass.
When the time came for the Consecration of the wine, I strained for a closer look as the priest lifted the gold chalice to Heaven to be changed into the saving Blood of Jesus. Since my view was entirely blocked, I closed my eyes and prayed. With all my heart, I asked Jesus to help me understand a little more of the mystery of this beautiful Sacrament.
While the priest elevated the chalice, I heard the Mass bells ring. In my mind's eye, I watched him lift the chalice up, understanding that one day there will no longer be a need for a chalice. The Precious Blood of Jesus will be with us and in us, forever.
Blessed be Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar!
"Many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it" (Mt. 13:17).