Out Of His Mind
He came to do the job impossible
To save mankind was it even probable
The key was to infiltrate and blend in
Act as if you belong not foreign
So born in her womb was He
Jesus the son of Joseph and Mary
But that was not the complete story
For too is He the Son of the Almighty
His Mother started His career
At a wedding feast in a community near
Not His time He claimed then
But if not then when
And so He began His mission started
His goal to begin a Church with a community religiously parted
So with His family and newfound friends
He began His teaching and miraculous healings
But suddenly all went awry
Who is this Jesus this Guy
Isn’t He the son of Joseph and Mary
He’s making things up He’s making us angry
He’s out of His mind with His actions and words
Little did they know He is the Lord of lords
The Journey now set
The goal acclimate
Bring all to His Father
Even the nonbeliever
JFFIII 1/19/24