Lessons from the Trial of Mark Houck
Jesus kicks off his public ministry as told by Mark. He kicks off his ministry in a unique way as it picks up after his 40 days in the desert overcoming Satan. Upon hearing of his cousin’s arrest, he makes this bold proclamation “Repent and believe.”
This call from Jesus is not a one and done deal. Rather, it should be a daily commitment. We make use of the frequency of receiving his mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation. We believe in him by sharing his message to others and increasing our knowledge in the church teachings. Sometimes, we will experience some roadblocks along the way. Again, we must daily repent of our sinful ways and recommit to believing in God.
Christ’s first task as he begins preaching is to call people to follow him. He looked no further than to call four fishermen Simon (later Peter), Andrew, James, and John. These four were hesitant at first. Yet, they followed him.
For us, God is calling us in a way, and he does not have the wrong number. He may be calling some to religious life, to marry someone that wants to strive for heaven and lead children to that destination, a better opportunity that can give us an opportunity to grow spiritually, to return home to his one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic church. He calls and will continue to do so until we humbly accept it.
It is through Christ that we receive our true calling in life. It is through him that we are called to something that is bigger than ourselves.
It is through Christ that he calls us to turn away from sin and be faithful to his gospel.
As we are about to embark on the third week of Ordinary Time, we must ask ourselves if we have answer God’s call to repentance and fidelity.
Let us strive daily to say no to sin, heed God’s call, and most importantly give him our yes.
Repent and Believe!