The Words of Eternal Life
Impossible is it entirely
For me to eliminate Satan and yet be he
I cannot say I am Satan now destroy me
It makes no sense none utterly
Satan is like that my friends
The deceiver the liar to all ends
He’ll try to have you do things that are wrong an impossibility
He’ll have you try and then watch you fail terribly and miserably
I’ve told you before that a house divided cannot stand on its own
Only I am able to forgive your errors sins and your worldly wrongs
And forgive yes I will always oblige
Provided you confess and promise to end your sins and lies
But if you ever speak wrong about the Holy Spirit
Or the rest of the Holy Trinity while we’re on it
Your end it will come mightily
Your demise it will not end up pretty
I am forgiving but I can also impose wrath severely
To Hell might you go for such punishment forever eternally
For I am the Lord His Only Begotten Son
And my Spirit shall never ever be forgotten
Follow Me do Trust me wholly and willingly
And you’ll find yourself in Heaven forever joyfully
JFFIII 1/21/24