I Wanna See Your Face!!!
Anytime, my family or my husband and I start out on a long trip, we always start with a traveling prayer. Father God, we ask that you go before us and protect us and keep us safe from all accidents, bad traffic, bad weather bumps in the road, animals in the road, grumpy people, flat tires, and give us a safe journey with Your Angels over us, before us and behind us as we go and come back. Amen and thank you God
But daily, we travel in life, even if we do not leave the house! In this day and age, in this weather--Just going down to the grocery store, we need to ask for protection.
We are traveling in life. And we need to, if we are wise, to incorporate that traveling prayer in all of our daily life.
Father God, we ask that you go before us and protect us, and keep us safe from all unexpected accidents, bad attitudes, or grumpy people. Go before us, and prepare the way for us, and lead us on right paths for Your Name's sake. Send your Holy Spirit, oh God to give us wisdom, understanding, knowledge and discernment, and faith to believe that all things happen for a purpose and a reason and a why as we travel in life. Help us Lord to be one in mind and heart and spirit with You, as this day goes by. Please protect us from temptation as You promise You would in Your perfect prayer. Yes, Father God Your Will be done in our life. Your kingdom come be done in our life and give us this day, as we journey with You, our daily Bread, which is the Presence of Jesus Christ, our Lord! Help us to keep love in our hearts, in our lives, in our spirits. For as we live in love---You live in us oh God, our God. To You be all the glory, the honor and praise, now and forever AMEN!!
You can also say this Psalm daily too.
Psalm 121 A song of ascents.
I raise my eyes toward the mountains. From whence shall come my help?
2My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.b
3He will not allow your foot to slip; or your guardian to sleep.
4Behold, the guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps.
5*The Lord is your guardian; the Lord is your shade at your right hand.d
6 By day the sun will not strike you,nor the moon by night.e
7 The Lord will guard you from all evil he will guard your soul.f
8The Lord will guard your coming and going both now and forever.g