Timeless Letter to the Youth from St. John Paul the Great
Many pro-life leaders and advocates who have been to Washington, DC in the past couple of years may have encountered a very aggressive pro-choicer. I have seen him in recent years, and he is persistent in taunting, intimidating, and even getting in the face of pro-lifers. He would utter uncharitable things to people and even try to harass women and children through a bullhorn. He even takes it to social media to stream live at times what he is doing. In the end, he would be on a tight lease from the local police even to the point of lawful apprehension.
The anti-life demonstrator that was described is none other than Derek (activistderek on Instagram). Derek is from Minnesota. He is paid to agitate the heck out of pro-lifers during many of their big events. He also has a following on Instagram, and he would tag pro-life women in his stories to the point of creepily stalking them. Ironically, this pro-abortion agitator is not welcome by Planned Parenthood as he has crossed the lines with his vulgar and over the line profanity.
Recently, a video has surfaced of him once more doing what he is paid to do. This time around a Christian pastor can be seen praying over Derek. On his face, there is nothing but a sad, hurtful expression on his face. There is no doubt Derek has been victimized someway somehow by our culture that made him blindly disrupt peaceful pro-lifers in the process. Certainly, that pastor was able to penetrate his cold heart.
On the night after the March for Life, Derek was invited by a group of young pro-lifers for food and drinks at a popular Irish bar that features live music. As I observe Derek, he seemed to be enjoying himself. He probably got away with some dinner etiquettes here and there, but I hope he can learn. There is no question Derek had plenty of seeds planted for his conversion as he was surrounded by many of the most fearless and determined young pro-life activists from across the country.
Derek provides a lesson for all of us. We need to approach this like Christ would do. Christ invited sinners, yet he never celebrated their sin. Rather, he used it as an opportunity to challenge their way of life. There is no doubt that these rising pro-life activists did just that with Derek.
We too must do the same. We must invite someone who is pro-choice to consider the truth about the pro-life movement. The truth that eventually led to the conversion of many once former abortion activists.
Hey, if Derek can have an opinion on abortion, then men who bravely stand in front of abortion centers or want to be all in the pro-life movement can do the same thing, right?
Let us join together to pray for abortion activists like Derek to seek Jesus, the author and giver of life, and his truth.
Derek and everyone who promote abortion directly or indirectly are never far from God. He will continue to chase them. We are just the people who will ensure that God continues to pursue them.
Offer a rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy or Adoration and Reparation, even a Holy Hour for their conversion.
One day these once pro-abortion activists will share their stories of being lost to being found in Christ.