How My Son Schooled Me on Proper Nouns
Internal and external dialogues must be regulated with reflection, meditation, and practice over time so that one can focus on love and light. Some might say this is raising your vibration. Call it what you want; however, it is very necessary to live a life of love that is filled with God’s graces. Did you know that according to -, this article explains in part; “Even though people claim to hold themselves in high regard, the thoughts that spontaneously occur to them—their “mental chatter,” so to speak—is mostly (up to 70%) negative, a phenomenon that could be referred to as negativity dominance.” The world in general is a pretty negative place and so we must be hyper vigilant to protect ourselves from sliding into negativity that will pull us away from God’s graces. You might be wondering; “How can I pay more attention to my conversations?” So, the easy way is to always watch out for the five Cs, these are the sneak attackers that try to kill your positivity.
1. Complaining – This is even the very smallest thing, “the sky is too grey, I do not like it.” Every time you find yourself complaining – STOP. Flip the script to why the grey sky is a good thing and be thankful for it.
2. Criticizing – Again can be even the smallest thing like, “That guy is wearing two different shoes, so strange.” Same deal here that when you catch yourself criticizing anything, STOP, reconsider a positive reason for what you have noticed and be thankful for that difference no matter how small.
3. Concern – This is down to the garden variety, everyday worry that has no real solution because these are usually things far beyond one’s own control. So, you might express concern for the economy, or for homelessness, or for hunger, or for how you will pay your bills, and this can go on, and on forever if you want. As soon as you find yourself worrying about anything, STOP, remind yourself that this thing is way beyond your control or give thanks that God is in control, and everything will work according to his plan.
4. Commiseration – This is when you agree with and understand the negativity of others. So Yeah I agree with you, I hate it when things are not fair. This is lowering your vibration for both parties if a conversation and your own if an internal dialogue. As soon as you realize this is happening change your input to a positive outcome that would be a reason to be grateful for rather than agreeing to share in misery. The rising above the lower feelings is what gets us to the better place where we see a greater forest rather than just a few dead trees.
5. Catastrophizing – This is the hardest to overcome because so many external forces abuse this negative approach to convince others that something bad is happening or about to go down. The single most negative contributor to this effect is global organizations who want to trick you into accepting that they have answers when the reality is that they are lairs, and use half-truths all designed to scare us into letting them take control over everything. This is Anti-Christ in action and must be dealt with directly and every time with how we are called to live and look to the saints for examples of how to deal with these challenges.
Minimizing negativity is the single most powerful tool to change your life for the better. By understanding the five Cs and their sneak attacks you stop the negativity in its tracks, and this in turn opens the door for positivity to enter. You must be willing to pay greater attention to yourself and through prayer, sacraments, and greater faith you will become love and light to others. Here are a few things that you may find helpful in your quest to decrease negativity in your life:
a) Pray the Rosary
b) Pray the divine Mercies.
c) Do the liturgy of the hours more often.
d) Read the bible.
e) Do things to positively impact others.
f) Be grateful in all things.