If there is to be a future where do we begin?
What limits can we place on human life?
It appears that since Roe vs Wade hit the courts there seems to be no limit to what man will do for multiple reasons. Everyone who is up to date on the news of abortions at any stage of human life must be aware of the current mode of human life. I am careful to acknowledge human life that begins in the womb, and not breathing outside of birth. Even that has become the most atrocious and vicious form of murdering a helpless baby who is already crying for breath and life once out of the birth canal.
Of course the whole issue pertaining to abortion has become a political football and the winners are no longer capable of determining what they are destroying. The losers are multiple beginning with a screaming life who cannot defend himself. His mother cares little and closes her eyes to what she has accepted as part of an answer to a politician’s decision. The other losers are the rest of pro-life citizens who know God’s will for his most prized creation; human life at all stages of growth.
This year, 2024, will be the most serious point in how quickly man can become like idols who worship only what will bring them wealth, notoriety, and control over their constituents who voted for an unknown entity whose name is Satan.
We cannot place unsuspecting young women as the culprits in this unending game of kill at will. It now lies deep within the hearts of greedy politicians, judges, and doctors who are eager to make money by killing life as if they are performing the call of an unseen god. The term god is used very loosely since their worship demands are somewhere from hell and don’t have any semblance of goodness.
Recently I wrote another article about abortion, and as long as the evil in men’s hearts (women as well) continues as it is, our rejection of God, the Holy Trinity, will become a communion of evil partakers with no concern for freedoms that begin with human birth.
Watching the statistics on what issues are the most important in the polls for those running for office in the presidency and congress, abortion is at a low concern by too many voters. Their choices of importance are valid, but abortion in their eyes has little chance of gaining a place because money still has its tentacles waving before the eyes of most citizens.
As the elections for a president gets closer in November 2024, let's pray and vote for someone who cares for the unborn as well as other human needs such as the elderly, people in prisons for the smallest of crimes, and the freedoms to live and worship as we please. Our last strength is the voting booth, and we are mandated through justice to do our part.
A life we do not know is waiting for our decision to care by the stroke of a pen or the correct button on a computer in the private voting booth. We must do our part, today!
Ralph B. Hathaway