Pray for your enemies
It just goes to show you, by the lesson of Saint Paul, that God is going to let you know if you're hurting Him. It may take hours, days, months or even years, but He's going to let you know.
Saint Paul thought he was doing his people a service by killing Christians because he had not yet been given the insight to who the real God was. After Saint Stephen was murdered, I'm sure God had had enough of this blasphemous man. Enough to let him know.
My mother always used to say, "Sometimes you have to be put flat on your back before you see the light". Literally, that's what happened to our beloved Saint Paul. Knocked off of his horse and struck blind, enabling him to finally hear the voice of God. Look what a transformation. A true conversion from lies to the truth, from hate into love, from blindness to seeing the light...
Saint Paul is the perfect example of God's merciful forgiveness and love. God could have just destroyed him and let him perish, but instead, God had other plans for him. Making the statement "God's ways of thinking are not our ways of thinking" so true.
We tend to think one way in our minds and think it is the correct way. But God's will, not even being considered, turns our thinking into self righteousness and control. There is only 1 God. So we need to stop thinking only from our minds, but in the ways God's mind would think. His ways are always the "correct" ways and His "thinking" is always the one we should follow.
What if Jesus never went to that cross? What if He, in his humanity caved and told God His Father, "I just can't do it!" We would have all been doomed to a greater destruction than the atom bomb. We would have been doomed to Hell.
God is so merciful. He is all forgiving and loving. Even in our taintedness of bad habits and self love. He is mighty and powerful, and to have the surrender to His holy will in all things, to listen for His voice and obey His words, is like how I picture a true child of God to be. Only leading us in 1 direction. Up... Up to the heavenly paradise that 1st began at the beginning of time. Saint Paul is our friend. He awaits all of us to read and heed the words he said and wrote down . He shows his humaness by recounting his Conversion to Disciple. We must all earn our place in heaven by doing good deeds, suffering for the love of Jesus, and faithfulness to the Truth.
Saint Paul, Pray for us.