Trust in God
Our Lady of Akita, Japan – Part 1
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
What is the message of Our Lady of Akita, Japan? It is the same message that Jesus preached while here on earth and the same message that the Catholic Church preaches all the time. Repent and believe the Gospel or good news of the Kingdom of God. Her message has many facets. One facet is to put ourselves in a place where we act like Jesus showing love and patience for others. When we repent we must keep turning our lives around and stop sinning while showing love and forgiveness to all who sin against us and those people and thoughts that we hold dear to our hearts. A human being cannot do this on his or her own. We are weakened by the original sin committed by Adam and Eve. We must rely on God for the strength, perseverance, and the actual graces to continue this action. Yes, we are weak and we will fall. That is our nature. Continued repentance and change cannot happen without the power and the blessings of God.
We must always pray to make reparations for our sin. Yes, we must acknowledge our sins, confess them to God, and do penance for our sins. You might say that Christ’s
Sacrifice on the cross is sufficient for this purpose. The answer to that is both yes and no. Yes, we have been forgiven of our sins. No, we have not satisfied the temporal punishment for those sins. You must also turn from repetitive sins that all of us commit. We are weak vessels. Keeping every Friday as a day of penance is not just a good idea; it is still a commandment of the Church. To this day, I rarely eat meat on Friday unless it is Christmas, New Years Day, or another special feast day of the Church. I also abstain from meat on Wednesday not to try to save the planet by eating less meat. I enjoy eating meat. I realize my own unworthiness to enter paradise so I try to atone for my offenses in that manner also.
We should also honor our Blessed Mother by saying at least one rosary a day for the reparation of our sins. I personally say three rosaries a day. I feel an extreme closeness to our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, The Heavenly Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit before, during and after these prayers. We should also include the Divine Chaplet of Mercy into our prayer routine. These prayers will lessen the chastisements spoken of by Our Lady Of Akita, Japan.
With our human lives so hectic with activity, we may not get to all these prayers on some specific days. So when you have more time, you should play catch-up with all your prayers. All our prayers combined will hopefully reduce the chastisements or stop them from happening. In part 2 of this article we will discuss more revelations from Our Lady of Akita, Japan.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.