A Relationship With The Holy Spirit
Our Lady of Akita, Japan – Part 2
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Our Lady of Akita, Japan also relayed to us that if we do all of the actions of the previous article, we might be able to diminish the severity of the chastisements coming to the face of the earth. Yes, there will be chastisements, but by our actions we can mitigate them or postpone them. We are the controllers of our own destiny.
Our Lady of Akita, Japan also warned us that there would be divisions in the Church. Bishop would oppose bishop and cardinal will oppose cardinal. The blessing of same sex attraction people illustrates this perfectly. The African cardinals and bishops oppose this ruling vehemently while the German cardinals wholeheartedly accept and support this ruling. It is called a schism or split in our Church. I believe what the Pope tried to do was to show mercy to these people following the teaching of Saint Faustina. I will discuss this in my next article this month.
If I understand spiritual blessings correctly, when a blessing is given, the blessing is supposed to exorcise evil from that person. Spiritual blessings and evil cannot exist at the same time in the person blessed. To fully acquiesce in this blessing, same sex attraction couples should consider breaking up and return to a celibate lifestyle. Above all, children should not be exposed to the same sex attraction lifestyle. Their morals must be protected. Remember if you lead a child astray, you are creating a possible eternal damnation for you and the child that you gave the bad example.
Once the same sex couples have broken apart they should avail themselves to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to obtain the fullness of divine mercy, return to the state of sanctifying grace, and all the actual graces needed to assist them in living holy, moral lives.
Our Lady of Akita, Japan also told us not to despair. We are to seek her protection from all calamities. To be under her mantle of protection is the place to be. With her motherly love, she will guide us gently to her Divine Son after showing the signs of her motherhood by cleaning us and making us presentable to Jesus.
To reiterate, Our Lady’s message to us is simple. Show mercy to all and forgive all who have wronged you, assist others in their need, reform your lives with the help of actual graces, do penance for your sins and failures, and pray for the entire world including our deceased brothers and sisters. This is how we get involved in Christ’s redemptive work.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.