No greater Love
Have you heard the news? Nones believe in God! So, the religiously unaffiliated, are not atheists, after all (Religious ‘Nones’ in America: Who They Are and What They Believe) So, what does this mean? It means the harvest is great, but the labourers are few. (Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2). I see this as a unique opportunity to evanglize. I truly believe these people are seeking. Go door-to-door, invite them to church. Don't be afraid to speak about what you believe. I have a friend of mine, very sweet, who went to University in the UK (WHY she did that is beyond me), who has a hard time reconciling Genesis with Science. (Because Britain, at some point, stopped being Christian) To me, it's not that hard. Dawkins is full of it. (Keep in mind, I don't deny evolution, just his theories on it, there's some inherent flaws with Darwinism, but we're not supposed to talk about those).
Also (as I am not always good at this), meet these people where they are. Most importantly, love them. And when I say that, I don't mean "love bomb them", I mean love them. For reasons that are beyond me, we Christians are too restrictive with that word. We're supposed to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44), but, at times, I don't even think we love our fellow Christians. And the religiously unaffiliated are not our enemies.
Now, I can give you my own theories on the nones. The fact that most of them seem to believe in God, or at least some sort of higher power, to me, is because of man's basic desire for God. I don't talk about this very often, but, I've struggled with self-harm, and, to some extent, alcoholism in the past. You don't get over those struggles by sheer will-power, like Batman getting over a broken spine (although, if you know Batman's back story, he's a lapsed Catholic, but, different article for a different day).
I guess what I'm saying is this: We should be overjoyed. These people are not "nones", they're seekers. They just don't know it, and they may fight against it, but, I truly believe that they are seeking Jesus Christ. The United States (where I live), is, at least nominally Christian. What with our historically Protestant background, many of us just know the gospel by osmosis. Especially where I live in the Southern United States. Flannery O'Connor famously said, that the south isn't "Christ centered", but "Christ haunted". (I'll assume this is accurate "While the South is hardly Christ-centered, it is most certainly Christ-haunted.", although I think the date is wrong).
My point is this (and why I titled it the way I did), the "New atheists" are dying. Somewhat literally, given how old some of them are (know the "How do you do" fellow kids meme? Yeah, that). But, more than that, it's because (and this is just a guess) those 15 year old atheists on reddit are now adults and have to deal with the reality of being an adult. I believe this would require one to think about God more. And also, did y'all ever notice how incredibly immature the "New atheists" are? Dismissing something as "not worthy of debate" is a bad idea. Even if something is an absurd, irrational idea, it should still be debated. How would you KNOW it's an absurd irrational idea without debate?
Go out and harvest. If they have questions about the Bible, answer them. Don't let their questions frustrate you. (Trust me, I've answered the same question about Purgatory hundreds of times to Fundamentalist Protestants, sometimes the SAME Fundamentalist Protestants). Be patient, be charitable.
But most of all, love them.