Where Are You Rebelling?
In today’s second reading, we hear a line that many of us can relate to: “Brothers and sisters, I should like you to be free of anxieties.” Paul speaks from God’s heart. God doesn’t want us to be burdened by anxiety, but so many of us are, especially anxieties born of the world with its burdens and evils.
I saw an interesting question this past weekend about what virtues can help us overcome anxiety and I pondered it quite a bit. What exactly are anxieties born from? Maybe mental illness. Maybe the evils of this world. Maybe a lacking virtue.
For example, if I’m anxious about something in the future, perhaps I’m lacking faith or hope. If I’m anxious about money or security, perhaps I’m lacking temperance. If I’m anxious about indecision and not knowing what to do, perhaps I’m lacking prudence. If I’m anxious because I’m being mistreated or treated unfairly, perhaps I’m lacking justice or fortitude.
All these virtues are worth growing. The stronger I am in the virtues, the more likely my anxiety will subside because virtues change our mindset and heart. I see this true in my life to some extent. On the days I’m abounding in faith and hope, I have less anxiety. On the days I’m weaker in faith and hope, I have much anxiety. There is a connection!
So if you’re struggling with anxiety and a host of solutions haven’t worked for you, maybe take a look at the virtues and see if there’s a link between your anxiety and a lacking virtue. Then take that insight to God and pray for the graces to grow in the virtues you need. Don't be surprised if He gives you opportunities to grow that virtue!