Shifting Morality
Your arguments are emotional and ignore science.
Male and female, we are born.
No amount of surgery can change that.
Transgender ideology spreads like kudzu, forever altering the landscape.
Why? For what? Who gains in this madness?
Where, in the name of tolerance are we being led?
And we ARE being led.
Have you even noticed, all the worst in our society is aimed at women?
Men could care less if a woman enters the men's room.
Likely, it would titillate them.
Abortion, just in the US, accounts for 300,000 a year.
More than half are non-white and don't kid yourself,
more than half are female (sex selective abortion is thriving – pun intended)
Now re-instituting draft registration is on the table and a very loud group
wants to force women to register. Our society has become solidly anti-woman
and anti-family. Woman feel more unsafe than ever.
You need to ask yourself why it's okay to discriminate against women
for the sake of a miniscule number in our society. The problem isn't biological,
it’s mental. Our medical system and pharmaceuticals have found another cash cow
performing these mutilations they call surgery.
So, you keep on being emotional and feeling proud of your ability to be blind
to the one-way street that your tolerance is. I will keep my blinders off and speak up
when I hear the kind of nonsense you spew.
I hear you talk about your sad life and what you SAY you have overcome.
All I hear is a pity party and equation of racism with gender intolerance.
You say you choose never to discriminate against another but your dismissal
of a woman’s right to privacy puts the lie to that.
And you!
A woman!