Saint Joseph, Our Protector on Earth and Our Intercessor in Heaven
The Hour
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Mark Chapter 14 verse 32 states, “But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Of course, I am talking about the end of the age. Why would Jesus say to his apostles? What is the next admonition given in the Gospel of Mark which is verse 33? Let’s explore the reasoning behind these verses.
First, God does not wish us to wait for the last minute to be saved. God is our Creator; we are his created beings. If we knew the hour of His coming, what would people do? Some would carouse and commit all types of sin, as did the Prodigal Son. As the final hour approached, Satan would have them in the grips of so much immorality that it would quite possibly be impossible to break free from his grasp. As with the foolish virgins, the people would be left in the dark forever without the final grace of repentance. God wishes us to be good stewards of the prosperity that he gives us. Some may say that they do not have much. We are to develop the talents given to us and multiply them. Upon the return of Jesus, we must offer Him all the talents that He gave us plus all the extras. We must not bury our talents in the ground. We cannot be lazy. Given little to develop, we will be given much in return by the Master if we stay faithful to his divine calling.
Second, God is a God of science. Do you remember your geography lessons in your early years? The earth is divided into twenty-four time zones corresponding to the twenty-four hours in a day. If Jesus said that he would return at 9:00am, what time zone would he be using? It is not 9:00am throughout the entire earth at one time. Jesus also said that the person awake during the second or third watch would be blessed. These watches are at night, some after midnight, but that time could correspond to 9:00am somewhere in the world. This is where verse 33 comes into play. Even though we do not know the hour, we are commanded to be watchful and be alert for His coming.
The Acts of the Apostles presents another question of intrigue. Before Jesus ascended to the Father, the apostles asked Jesus about the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. They were told that it was not for them to know the times or seasons of this event. Will this happen during the millennium or after the chastisements? No one knows. All we can do is watch, have faith, trust in God, and care for others.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.