There is a group of lay people and priests who started a movement called "the Mantle of Mary project". They have a wonderful book thats out called "daily prayers to save America". Father John Anthony Boughton CFR and Bud McFarlane Jr. are the founders of this great project. It specifically prays for the conversion of America with prayers to our beloved Mother Mary, the Guardian Angel of America, Saint Michael, Saint Joseph and the Guardian Angels. The prayers are meaningful and enriching to the soul. We are always hearing about so many troubles in other countries when there is so much devastation and destruction being done right here in our homeland, America.
Proving that America is not truly a "land of the free" by the statistics of abortion and other deadly sins. Instead, it says, "America, land of the selfish and self seeking". If everyone was truly free, you would think the privileged would take the responsibility to make sure everyone is safe and treated justly. Instead, the evil one has twisted the minds and souls of so many people to think of choosing what they want, instead of what is right. Sins of the flesh and abortion are too major topics that describe our suffering great land... Taking far away from it, the intention God had when He created it. Food is being thrown away daily in bucketfuls, the homeless are still down trodden and look down upon, and the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If every millionaire would put just a minute amount of their wealth into the good things to preserve their great country, then so much would be solved. Enter again, the evil one. Slowly and surely it's disintegrating, and that's how he likes it. Suddenly and without too much notice he weaves his web of lies to the ears and minds of those who are weak. Alot of money has never cured anything or anyone who is severely addicted to drugs or alcohol or who is flamboyant with their bodies to the point of where they just don't care anymore.
The prayers in this booklet make you have an illumination of conscience and great awakening to your own self. Which every human being needs in order to strive for heaven.
This world is only a stepping stone to the real world which God intended for all of us. The suffering we endure, is a lifeline to God, that when we offer all up to Him, is comforted and taken care of, as a loving father would do.
Mary, our Holy Mother, is also a lifeline. Deeply needed in attaining the grace and surrender we need to have when we are desperately seeking that door to be opened. Having our prayers and supplications placed in Her spotless and Holy hands, purifies our intentions as She hands them to Her Son Jesus.
She is our Hope. She suffered greatly for Her motherhood to mankind. Could you imagine following your son to a for sure cruel death and just stand there watching? She did. How about watching people yell "crucify him" and then watching them place a harsh crown of thorns upon your precious baby's head? She saw it. How about hearing the sound of those nails as large as a screwdriver being pounded into your child's hands and feet? She heard them.
Our "Sweet Flame of Love" is begging us to change. Praying and interceding on our behalf to stop hurting Her Son. We need to open our eyes and hearts to Her petitions and act accordingly.
"O. blessed Mother, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity" .
Pray for the conversion of America.