Come, Holy Spirit - a meditation
1. Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church.
It is clear from even a cursory reading of the New Testament, that there is no mention of any Protestant Church within those venerable pages. Nor is there any mention of any Protestant doctrine which contradicts the Catholic Church.
We can easily find all Catholic indicators in the New Testament:
The Church is one (Eph 4:5).
The Church is holy (Matt 16:18). Established by Jesus Christ.
The Church is Catholic (Matt 28:19-20). Given the mandate to Teach universally.
The Church is Apostolic (Matt 16:18-19). Established upon the Apostle Peter.
The Church is infallible (1 Tim 3:15; Eph 3:10).
And the Church which Christ established Teaches the distinctive Doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Purgatory (1 Cor 3:15).
Eucharist (1 Cor 11:23-27).
Communion of Saints (Rom 12:12-20).
The Mass and the necessity to attend (Heb 10:25-31).
The Sacrament of Confession (Heb 13:17).
The Sacrament of Holy Orders (1 Tim 4:14).
The Sacrament of Baptism (Titus 3:5).
Justification and salvation by faith and works (Rom 2:1-13).
2. Protestant doctrines, which contradict the Catholic Church, contradict Scripture and, actually, are so illogical, they frequently contradict themselves.
For example: We are to hold to Scripture alone as the sole rule of faith.
Scripture says we are to hold to Tradition by word and epistle:
2 Thessalonians 2:15 (KJV)
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Therefore, the Protestant doctrine of Scripture alone contradicts Scripture.
Another example: We are justified by faith alone but not by a faith which is alone.
Logic dictates that two contradicting statements can not both be true at the same time. No one can be justified by faith alone and at the very same time be justified by faith which is not alone.
That is a self negating proposition.
3. Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church but did not write even one word of Scripture.
Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church and commanded the Church to teach all which He taught. But He did not write even one word of Scripture.
It is the Catholic Church, which in her God given commission to teach Christ’s word, took it upon herself to write down all His Teachings and all which the Holy Spirit inspired her to write.
The New Testament Scripture can be described as the Catholic Church’s first written Teaching. And it is based solidly upon the Teachings which Jesus Christ commanded the Church to pass on. Otherwise known as Sacred Tradition.