Interest Bearing
Don’t be hypocrites like the Pharisees are and will always be
As Jesus and God each one of you I see
Don’t claim to follow ALL the rules
Because just following the secular governing is where you lose
My Commands and My Laws
They are above all regardless the cause
Do not follow My instruction
And you will end up in a terrible situation
For I tell all who listen to Me
That My Way ends always joyfully
Your way aways ends up horribly
Forever in fiery torment will you be
Read the Scriptures I tell you as Lord
Heed what they say for it is My Word
Please read and follow and I promise that forever you will be fine
Because by following My Word you become Mine
And that means you will forever be in joyful ecstasy
In Heaven with Me and the rest of The Blessed Trinity
JFFIII 2/6/24