You can experience Jesus in your life
Dear mum,
I have been listening to your discussions with some people about me, and it seems that you are still not certain what to do: whether to abort me, give me up to some sort of institution, or to be with me as I grow up out of this shelter I am growing in now. Why are you uncertain? I have heard all of the discussions and am aware of all the pros and cons that you are considering, but why have you still not asked me what I would like to do? I do have a voice, so please do not suppress my voice, please do listen to my voice!
I am enjoying every little bit playing in your womb and I can tell that you will really do a great mum. But mum, why are you considering aborting me when I look forward to be with you, to share my life with you, and you know what, when you get old I will be able to take care of you. It would really be nice to see your face, to hold the hands of my father and to play with my siblings or friends. At least please give me the chance to experience life by giving me up for adoption or to an institution if you cannot raise me up yourself!
Mum, please do not let me go through the pain I would suffer if had to be aborted. It would be really painful from what I have heard. I do not want to suffer and carry the pain of never being able to see your face or be held in your arms.
If instead, you had to give me up for adoption, at least that would give me an opportunity to experience life, even though I would still be in pain as probably I would never experience being with you.
Mum, let me experience playing in the fields and running around parks, just as the other children do, as I listen to them from inside your womb. From inside the womb, I can also sense the people moving around, those on their way to work, to university, to church. Oh, how much I wish I could also experience all this as I grow up, if only, if only, you would give me a chance to live.
Mum, let me continue growing in your womb, so that eventually I be held in your arms. Mum, please let me live, let me be loved by you, let me enjoy life.
Thanks mum, for reading this letter, and I hope to see you soon.
I love you mum.
Your baby.
(This reflection is an extract from my book ‘Mum… let me live’)