3 Ways to Enrich Your Marriage: Part 3
For those looking to both deepen their prayer life and up their fitness goals this Lent, you might be interested in SoulCore. SoulCore is a fitness program founded by Colleen Scariano and Deanne Miller which incorporates stretching and toning exercises while praying the Rosary.
You might think this is like yoga or some other non-Catholic meditative practice. It’s not. Colleen was inspired by her brother’s priesthood to find a connection to her love for fitness through prayer. Colleen and Deanne are devout Catholic women who love honoring God in body and soul.
There are classes across the US plus online access through the website or app, so you can join and do this right at home. Membership starts at $15 per month for online-only access and $30 per month for access to classes and the online studio. There’s even a group access option for schools and parishes for $1,000 annually.
The SoulCore workout can be done from the website or the app and takes about 45-60 minutes. From situps and pushups to stretching and breathing, a leader will guide participants through the Rosary. The leader starts each prayer as usual in a group Rosary, and then everyone quietly meditates on the rest of the prayer, saying it to themselves or in their minds.
The focus is always on prayer and God. There are no yoga poses or positions that conflict with the Catholic Church. This is simply a way to bring healthy fitness and prayer together to use your whole body in your prayer of the Rosary.
So, if you’re looking for a way to add prayer to your daily routine and you want to add more fitness, this is a two-for-one deal. There’s a two-week trial if you’re on the fence and want to try it out first. You have a few days left before Lent starts, so why not give it a go?
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.” 1 Cor 6:19-20