As Catholics, we are well aware of the fact that this world is a spiritual battlefield of good and evil. Despite there being many holy men and women we can turn to when we struggle with making the right choice, there are still all these temptations we need to avoid as well as supernatural forces of evil which must be conquered. What course of action should we take in our time of need when the weight of sin and temptation just seems too much? Jesus shows us the answer.
What happened in the Agony of the Garden when Jesus was suffering? He was “strengthened” by an angel. I think we can all learn from this that even Jesus, God Incarnate and Savior of the World, found strength in an heavenly companion, one of his own creatures.
Angels are here to guide us on our journey to our true home of Paradise.They are here to protect us from all harm and dangers to our bodies and soul. We must then keep them at the forefront of our minds when we make decisions or how we treat our neighbor or even how we praise and worship God.
Sometimes, it takes that supernatural force of good to help us fight and win the battles we face every day.
So when we wake up every morning, let us put on our armor through prayer and silence in a noisy, distracting world. Let us sharpen our swords by living sacramental lives and by doing works of mercy. As we face the Enemy, the world, or even our own sin, let us have our angels stand by us battle ready.
Maybe our sins are great or we have strayed far from the narrow path, but we must never lose hope when we have our angels to rely on throughout our lives. After all, they were created to lead our souls into the gates of Paradise.
Right now, I challenge you to spend a few minutes in silence with your guardian angel. Tell your guardian angel your worries, your cares, all the temptations you face, and the sins you want to break. Be honest and open. Ultimately, ask for your guardian angel's guidance and protection. Listen. They are here to help.