Witness to Apparitions of Our Lady of Akita Dead at 93
As Lent begins, we will her about the call to pray, fast, and give alms. Putting your pro-life conviction blends the three themes all at once. Here are some suggestions.
Get out the rosary, litanies, and chaplets. They will be needed on the sidewalk of an abortion facility in your community. Pray quietly or even out loud. The prayerful presence of a pro-lifer hurts the demons that want to devour the souls around you.
Even get in that much needed Holy Hour for life at a nearby church that offers adoration. Consider hosting a Holy Hour for Life at your church.
Fasting is not all about food. Maybe we can be ticked off by the jeers, taunts, and even ignorance of those who hate your presence. Perhaps it is time to cut down on the screens. Why not listen to a pro-life interview instead of consuming the next episode of a hit drama?
God wants us to be molded for greatness. It begins when we abandon the pleasures of the world and thrive for what is greater.
Instead of sharing funny memes on social media, tweet or post pro-life messages.
Refrain from debating with keyboard warriors.
Sacrifice is a big component of Lent. We must not only sacrifice our sources, but we also must give our time and talent to advance the pro-life cause.
Consider doing an extra hour during the 40 Days campaign. Help at a pregnancy resource center. Donate baby food and clothes to the Sisters of Life.
Write a letter to someone who is wrongfully incarcerated for the bogus FACE Act.
Make sacrifices but do it with humility and love.
Give extra money to a pro-life organization