Lent is coming and I'm going to try something different, in hopes it will bring me spiritually closer to the foot of the cross.
I'm going to:
Fast, From "hurting words" and say kind words
Fast, from "sadness" and be filled with gratitude
Fast, from "anger" and be filled with patience
Fast from "pessimism" and be filled with hope
Fast from "worries" and trust in God
Fast, from "complaints" and contemplate Simplicity
Fast, from "pressures" and be prayerful
Fast, from "bitterness in my heart" and be filled with joy
Fast, from "selfishness" and be compassionate to others
Fast, from "grudges" and be reconciled
Fast, from "words" and be silent, so I can listen to others
These words are from Pope Francis and they seem to be just what I need to make my Lent a joyous and meaningful one.
Every year I give up sweets and all the usual fasts and don't seem to make the grade at the end. Easter (besides Christmas) is my favorite Holiday. The older I get, with the little baby steps I take, seem to get more and more intense on my desire to place myself in the true moment of Jesus' suffering.
I have often marveled at how our Lord fasted for 40 days and still had the energy to carry that heavy wooden cross. So beaten, so bloody, so hungry, so everything. It just goes to show you, the "heaviness" of "sin". It shows us how much our God loves us. Giving up His only Son (Himself) to save us from our wretchedness and still be willing to embrace us.
The "sorrow" alone could have been the weight of that cross. But piled on top of it was all the sins of the flesh, pride and falling away from His graces.
Ashamed and sad with the sorrow of my sins, makes me forge even stronger, to make this the best "Lent" ever.