Prayer is a powerful thing. It is not just empty words that leave you with a fuzzy feeling. It is a genuine conversation between God and man that can change the world. You have to not only speak with God, but you must listen to Him as well. It is a heart-to-heart with the One who loves you most despite knowing your worst mistakes.
In truth, prayer has the power to challenge you and change you. It even transforms the way you think by sometimes changing how you perceive the world. After all, God answers every prayer in the best way possible because ultimately, He knows what is best. And He knows what is the greatest outcome not only for your own soul’s salvation, but everyone else’s too. He can look into your heart and see its deepest wants and desires. He can see its deepest fears and greatest sins. However, God is not looking to condemn us; rather, He is always looking out for us, leading our lost souls back to His loving embrace.
As Ash Wednesday and Saint Valentine's Day approach, we should commit to spending just a little bit more time in prayer, showing our love to God. Whether it's a few moments of silence or five minutes in Eucharistic Adoration, we should always be conscientious of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He wants us to worship Him and see His face in the face of others.
After all, Jesus gave us so many ways of expressing our Faith through prayer. There is mental prayer and vocal prayer. There is the rosary and prayers that come from the heart. There are even common prayers we learn as kids and one of the best prayers of all that Jesus gave us Himself: the Our Father.
Truly, our whole life becomes a prayer if we start our day with the Morning Offering prayer where we give God our whole day and what becomes of it. We give Jesus our past, present, and future to His Most Sacred Heart and He blesses us, bringing us closer to Him in return.
Never forget that in the end, we are not made for this world but made to be united with God Himself for eternity. And it is prayer that keeps that bond with God strong. If we dare to pray every day, we are already halfway there.