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Finding the Son of God within a Confusing World of Doubt
Humanity only seems to adhere to faith when it is something we can hold in our hands. That scenario will appear in everyday life until a soldier is in a foxhole with rocket fire all around him. Have you ever been in a position where the source of self-reliance suddenly runs out and the future seems bleak? Your first inclination finds you looking for a Church and an invisible God.
That is what faith, in its most precious commodity, will save a drowning person in a world of doubt and disbelief. St. Paul, in his address at Corinth, spoke of when he completed a narrative on love. “So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” All three adjectives to an unseen existence are necessary for a walk with Jesus. However, faith appears to be the one that alludes to many of us as life’s internal symptoms of mistrust cover our waking moments and places a mist of doubt within our hearts.
If there is any solace in the unknown days of fear that become a tragedy for some is our basic learning about God and his generous envelopment of our frailty. His arms of love and tenderness, like we’ve never experienced from another human person, can send a warmth throughout our needy essence.
Our precious connection to God can be found during the periods of attacks from enemies of faith, missiles of evil via temptations, and the threat of losing our Church from a Marxist regime that already is threatening our status quo If you are among the many who refuse to listen to the news being broadcast nightly you are missing the current events that are predicted in Sacred Scripture. These are signs of a period in history that is prevalent now and the forces of evil are at our doorstep. What is the one attribute that appears to be missing is Faith in God and His Church with Jesus Christ at the forefront of peace.
How easy it can become to pass off these warnings of imminent catastrophic events that may entrap us but are definite for our grand-children in a world to come. We are facing a Third World War as the tensions in the Middle-East are rising, the obvious promises of some nations, like Iran, have their sights set on eliminating Israel from the planet.
The one criterion needed is a strong faith in God that we can withstand the approaching hoofbeats as predicted by Billy Graham. The Sixth Trumpet from Revelation: “The number of calvary troops was two hundred million: I heard their number.” (Rv 9: 16). Revelation and Billy Graham’s book succinctly predicting a battle yet to come. For those who are not caught up as in the Rapture of the Church will most likely need a faith that will be difficult to find. Pray that if this event occurs without any of us included God’s mercy will find our trembling souls in need of his mercy.
Jesus told his listeners: ‘See that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying I am the Messiah, and they will deceive many. You will hear of wars, and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these are the beginning of the labor pains.” (Mt 24: 5 - 8).
This is the eschatology discourse found in Matthew and most definitely is a conclusion of the events to follow, some of which we are already witnessing. Herein faith is most essentially needed if we are to endure the coming events of Revelation and Daniel.
Ralph B. Hathaway