Why Fast
He didn’t have much money
But he gave it anyway
The homeless they’ve been a fasting
Imagine a Lent that’s everlasting
He gave away the coat that he was wearing
It’s snowing hard and not much was the person wearing
Sure he’d get cold and wet walking to his car
And besides it really wasn’t all that far
Later on that day in the store buying some needed food
He spied a worn dressed woman and with her three of her family brood
He offered to her a shopping spree on him
The children laughing and on her face spread a loving grin
Giving you see is necessary for us to gain Heaven
The alms we pass out are a form of leaven
The kind that raises up our souls with the graces given
Graces that will allow us to forever be with our Lord Jesus Christ He Who has arisen
JFFIII 2/16/24