A Joyful Lamentation
The Agony in the Garden, Meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
Come close and share in Jesus’s sorrow,
as He prays for our world.
As He sweated great drops of blood for our souls.
As He prepares us and washes us clean.
As He asks us to do:
Pray with Him for our world
and for Our Lord’s redeeming grace.
Pray, that we remain awake and alert.
That we don’t fall asleep or deny Him,
who gave His life in penance for our sins.
That we don’t betray Him
or act to serve the evil one.
Pray, the gardener, our creator,
might once again walk among His creatures,
sharing freely with us in the garden’s
beauty and truth and goodness.
You wept for us, my Jesus.
You knew that it was only through
this terrible sacrifice
that we might finally understand,
might fully comprehend,
Your infinite love for us.
You wept, knowing that even those
who loved You best,
who trusted You most,
would never fully know You,
would never fully understand Your love,
without this sacrifice of Your life.
This sacrifice of Your pride, Your dignity.
You gave up everything of Your humanity
that we might, finally, realize Your divinity.
They came and took You from us.
You allowed them to.
The Father willed it.
And You went without complaint
or resistance
or spite.
You even healed the wounds
inflicted on Your enemies
by Your friends,
in their defense of You.
Will You protect and heal Your enemies too?
Now in this time? When we, your faithful,
act in Your defense?
Are we, too, called to meekness and mild spirit?
Even now?
Even in the face of the vile ways
the evil one spews hatred and division
in this time?
Pray, daughter, know this and tell others:
I came to heal sin
and to conquer fear of death.
Let me act through all of you,
who love Me.
Let Me work through each of you
to heal and restore the ears of the fallen
that they might hear
and understand My Love for them.
For this, I was sent.
For this, I send each of you.
Welcome again to our meditations on the Rosary. As we begin the season of Lent, we move to meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Our church suggests we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays and Fridays, and, during Lent, on Sundays. (See USCCB: https://www.usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary) I pray our Lord surrounds in His protection, comforts you throughout this contemplative season, and leads you to deeper union with Him and understanding of our faith.
?Remember, each of these meditations are in my Rosary Meditations Library, here at Walking With My Brother. The Meditations Library includes additional resources that you may find helpful, including background readings and a publication schedule for future Rosary meditations.?? And these meditations also publish on Substack, which allows people to subscribe and access them for free. If you do want to contribute to this effort, all donations will go to help physical renovation of St. Mary’s of the Seven Sorrows in Nashville.