Leave it Behind
Hey did you see the new show on tv
The one whose values and yours disagree
No I’ve left that flat-tube behind
I discovered Jesus and He’s on my mind
I’d rather spend an evening praying for that show’s producer and stars
Then watch it and end up with mortal sin scars
Hey did you go to the big game last night
The halftime show would have given the Priests a fright
No I did not
I’ve discovered Jesus and He’s what I want
I’d rather teach kids to play sports and dance with God in their hearts
Not to gain a spot up on the social media charts
Hey did you hear that new song
The one whose lyrics are wildly wrong
No and thankfully I missed out
Music should amuse not make you want to shudder about
I’d rather be hearing a beautiful melody
A song that make your heart feel warm and happy
Now my turn to ask
Please I’m only after one fact
Did you happen to read the Bible today
The Gospel from Luke it was a doozy
It’s about Jesus Who came to heal sinners
So that they could become eternal big winners
Well that’s me and that’s why I have left those things behind
Because I have Jesus my Savior who is the Greatest Find
JFFIII 2/17/24