Why Gen Z May Save the Church In America
( Note: Having raised four adult children I wanted to share what I have learned about the newest adult generation--Gen Z. These observations are generalizations, as we all know there are exceptions in each generation. )
Top Ten Reasons Gen Z May Save Our Church:
1. Gen Z is open to ideas. They do not out-rightly reject ancient knowledge and religions. They don't have to be right and admit they don't know everything.
2. They came of age during the Covid19 lockdowns which disrupted their education, church attendance, and personal freedoms during their teenage years which are a critical time for self-discovery. This forced them to question those in power – many in the elite class have rejected Christianity. This fact makes Christianity more appealing to them.
3. Gen Z is a laid back and casual generation that is not uptight at all. They are pleasant. The Zoomers grew up in a much smaller generation, and don't feel it necessary to compete for attention. (The term Zoomer was coined because they watched their teachers on Zoom during the pandemic).
4. Gen Z is marrying early and forming families sooner. Since Covid19 molded their perceptions of the world, they have rejected the elite ruling class' values and returned to forming families to bring them happiness. Many are interested in the traditional past with one wage earner, gardening, and frugal living. The term “tradwife” is in the news—traditional wife. Many have given up on college due to the cost and limited job opportunities. They've watched Wall Street outsource and off-shore jobs for maximum profits. Having seen their parents fired in their 50s, they reject the corporate way of doing things.
5. Gen Z is much less interested in money than Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials. They want more meaningful work rather than higher pay.
6. Zoomers are not into a “hook-up culture.” They have more serious relationships. They are a pro-life generation.
7. Gen Z are more conservative like their Gen X parents. This allows for a continuation of the traditional understanding and need for religion. Worldly concerns haven't choked off religion for them.
8. Since they are less likely to engage in casual sex, they are more disciplined. Chastity is not the stumbling block of past generations to their entering the religious life.
9. This new generation is now entering into adulthood, and they will begin to influence the Church. The Church will begin to trend more conservative. They are more demonstrative in their faith, kneeling to receive Holy Communion. The Church must not reject the traditions of the past if they want to keep this promising generation in the pews. Because they reject money, the Church needs to scale down the fundraising and concentrate on teaching.
10. Unlike the “nones” inside the Millennial generation, religion is not rejected by most Zoomers. The Catholic Gen Zs are interested in maximizing their faith.
Will our bishops and Church leaders be able to reap a rich harvest from Gen Z?
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