Living In The Present
We Must All Own Our Cross
Eileen Renders February 2024
In this time of Lent when we recall how our Savior, Jesus Christ suffered and died for us to save us from our sinful ways, we know that there is no greater love than the love of God for His creatures. We are called also, to carry our burdens, our Crosses and to unite our suffering with the suffering of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Often, we may be tempted to complain, or say “Why me?” This is when it is good to remind ourselves by answering that question by saying; “Why not me?” We can show God that we love Him, and truly appreciate how He suffered and died for us so that we would be able once again, to work toward pleasing and serving God during our lifetime, and pray that He will accept us to be with Him in His Kingdom forever at the end of our life.
God never gives us more than we can bear. I have heard it said, that if we placed all of our burdens on a table with those of others, we would want to take back our burdens and sufferings, rather than those of another human being. This is most likely true because our burdens were meant to be ours, and God is always there to help us carry our Cross.
When we offer up our sufferings for the good of souls in Purgatory, or because we love Christ and want to show Him so, we are accepting responsibility for our wrongs committed against God, and desiring to make amends. In such situations, I believe that God truly forgives us our wrongs, and walks with us on our journey.