We are at War, do you use the Weapon?
Be a good child … that is all!
Do you know Dad’s rules? Have you been listening to know what He wants you to do? Do you even call Him, Dad? It may sound like I am simplifying how we relate to God, but this truly is all there is. It may be simple, but that does not mean it is easy.
Our Father has a Kingdom and if we want His Kingdom to come on earth, we need to obey the rules of the King. Our Father is King. He gave us the rules to live by. Every father is king of their home, but Our Father is King of all! Some reject His Rules and thus reject Him. You do not need to understand why a rule is a rule to obey it. And we need not break the rules like a tantrum throwing toddler.
Our Father has tasks for each one of us. Will we do His Will on earth? If not, why would we be allowed to enter into Heaven. The first part in accomplishing Our Father’s Will is to listen. He has something different for each one of us. If you do not listen, you will not know and no one will be able to tell you either. It is your job to listen and then to do. Do His will on earth or do your own and enter Hell.
Our Father is truly Dad. But are we ashamed of Him? Do we hide or omit our prayers because others might know that we are His? The Sign of the Cross is a powerful prayer and reminder of who we are. If you pray before meals except when in public, then you are treating Dad as only Dad in private. Who wants a son or daughter that rejects Him before others. “[W]hoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” [Matthew 10:33]
Being a good child is not easy. But it is attainable. It was the very reason you were created. And Dad would not keep you alive if you could not fulfill it. “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” [Mark 1:15]
Jesus, as the Son of God and the Son of Man, it is You that bridge the gap between God and man. It is through You that we become children of God. Help us to be good children. Amen.