No Changes
I'm Sorry
He told a little gossip to you that guy
Didn’t he also tell you a little white lie
Did you forgive him and put aside your pride
She said your dress was awful
She wanted it but was bashful
Did you tell her she’s forgiven you who should be thoughtful
They only a took a few pencils and some paper
They must think I am a pushover
Did you let it go and show them you’re a forgiver
Wait what do You mean I can’t come in
I don’t want to go down there it’s like an oven
What do You mean I did it to myself
I don’t understand You’re telling me I’m prideful and selfish
I didn’t forgive them no but they hurt me
No no how do I deserve this no no hear my plea
Always forgive no matter how big little or small the offense
For these are your brothers sisters and cousins
Always forgive and Heaven you’ll see
You’ll spend eternity with the Blessed Trinity
JFFIII 2/23/34