The Fragrance of God
As a woman, your softness is one of your greatest attributes. The woman brings softness to a harsh world. She’s the heart of her home, she’s the haven and refuge to all whom God has entrusted her with. The softness of a woman makes life sweeter, more beautiful, and is worth fighting for.
Above all, exuding softness in your relationship with The Lord is of supreme importance. Before receiving Holy Communion at Mass, we say “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Are you aware that the “roof” the Lord is entering is the home of your heart? What shall The Lord find in your heart? He’s looking for a soft place of rest and repose. Away from the harsh world who rejects Him, and into the soft heart home of a woman who welcomes Him. As a woman welcomes her husband home, so should we welcome Jesus, the Eternal Spouse of our soul into the home of our heart.
Woman, are you soft with The Lord? Is your heart a place The Lord would like to come inside and dwell? How can you become a woman worth coming home to? What virtues are in your heart that The Lord can take delight in? What does your heart, which is His place of refuge look like?
The Lord is looking for a soft and gentle place of repose. May He find that in your heart.