Welp….This is my 100th article on Catholic365! It has been a blessing to me. Thanks for this community!
Being a teacher, I had time to write articles every day throughout the summer. Some of them were posted on CatholicStand. It has been a real treat and a fun hobby. I never ran out of things to write about. Most of the articles I wrote were actually for my students as curriculum supplementals (Morality and Sacraments).
A couple tips I learned along the way are to find an interesting or beautiful image to connect to the article, using the text color option for the titles of articles to match the picture, increase the font size for very short articles, using the block quote feature for lengthy quotes, trying to not put too much Scripture quotes or lengthy CCC quotes in any article, keep articles under 1100 words, don’t force it-wait for inspiration through prayer or while at Mass when choosing a topic, do research and re-write it many, many times, post with time to edit, write articles on a word processor or on Google-docs so you don’t keep the Catholic365 window open too long-it will freeze and you will lose all your changes. Do not write for financial earnings, and it’s not a competition.
Do not get down if your article is a dud. Even if it was viewed by only 15 people, there was someone out there that needed to read it. in fact 47 of the articles I wrote were viewed less than 100 times.
Some things that surprised me along the way were the range of topics that I covered from Phone Emojis to Aliens to Eucharistic Flash Mobs.
The article that I thought would do much better but didn’t is Mean Girls. This was fun and somewhat therapeutic to write because it felt like I was venting about my own encounters with certain people in my life.
Thank you all for your support and for giving me a home online…My sincere prayer is that all of the content we put out on Catholic365 sheds light on how amazing our Catholic Faith is, the awesomeness of God and the blessings we receive each minute of every day. AMDG.
I am a life-long Catholic, husband, dad, teacher and former football coach. I've been teaching the Catholic Faith to young men, religious educators and catechists since 1998. My academic background, MA is in Theology and Catechetics. I am the creator of www.apexcatechetics.com, the home of high quality catechetical resources for those who teach the Catholic Faith. Email: gary@apexcatechetics.com