God Gave Marital Headship to Men, part 3 of 5
My wedding was meaningless
My friends were there
Hundreds and hundreds of them
Family too
Dozens and dozens of them
It was pretty
Every detail was perfect
I love flowers
Fresh flowers flooded the church
I love music
Harmonies were heard by all
I love fine food
Lobster and steak and sushi
I love good drinks
Champagne and cocktails galore
I loved my dress
I was a princess that day
I was spoiled
The guests brought so many gifts
A nice party
Yes it was a nice party
It meant nothing
The whole affair meant nothing
Bubble that bursts
Vanity of vanities
People need love
The groom was a gentleman
He had money
He had integrity too
He was handsome
He was respected by all
I wanted him
He wanted me even more
When we said vows
I was very distracted
My mind wondered
That man would not leave my mind
Forever mine:
He who would not leave my mind
The groom loved me
But he was not my first love
I knew he would let me down
I was selfish
I would let him down as well
My mind wondered
Away from my wedding day
I saw a scene
From a wedding long ago
Ancient story
Sight of the first miracle
It came to me
That profound realization
One and the same
My wedding was that wedding
What mattered was the shepherd
My new marriage
It all meant nothing to me
Whatever joy
My husband could bring to me
Whatever joy
I could bring to my husband
It was nothing
For I knew that I wore wool
The good shepherd
His love eclipses all things.
Editors note: The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is a sacred sacrament, an indissoluble bond between one man and one woman, reflecting the unity, fidelity, and procreative purpose of God's love for humanity.