Five Zeal-Provoking Facts about the Temple All Catholics Must Know
“Zeal for your house will consume me!” -Psalm 69:9
Jesus, the Messiah, demonstrated zeal for the House of the Lord, the biblical Temple in Jerusalem because he loved it. Afterall, he found refuge there as a ‘lost’ 12 year old boy. He said to Mary his mother, “Did you not know I would be in my Father’s house?” Prior to that episode, both Jesus and Mary as toddlers were presented to God at the Temple. It was their home.
Elsewhere in the Gospels, Jesus said of the Temple that it would be torn down but then raised again in three days (Jn 2:19). He literally predicted the destruction of the Temple and by doing so, he figuratively predicted his own death and resurrection. In saying these words, Jesus gives us a clue. He wants us to see his historical body, his resurrected body and his mystical body, the Church, as the New Temple where the presence of God can be found on earth.
Now this new Temple, we can agree, is zeal worthy. 'Zeal' is defined as having great energy and enthusiasm. The zeal we have for the Real Presence, the Church and the Person of Jesus should be rooted in a deeper understanding of the original Temple, the one in the Bible.
Here are five reasons we too should have zeal for the Temple
1. Jesus loved the Temple. He called it his Father’s house, he was moved to tears over the Temple (Lk 19:41) and he fiercely drove out the money changers who desecrated the Temple precincts. It was his idea. He designed it when he told Moses to build the original Tabernacle tent in Exodus ch. 25.
Jesus had zeal for the Temple building because it meant so much more than a building.
2. The Temple helps us understand Jesus and the Church. It is a type of Christ and a type of Church. Jesus compared the Temple to his body which is the dwelling place of Gods’ Divine Nature. In this way, the Temple pointed to Jesus as both human and divine. It also is used by Saint Paul to explain who we are... “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Cor3:16-17).
Jesus had zeal for the temple building because he has zeal for the Church, his bride.
3. The Temple helps us to understand Mary. Not only was the Ark housed in the Holy of Holies of the Temple, which was itself a type of Mary, but the Temple as a whole pointed to her as well. God dwelled or ‘tabernacled’ in the womb of Mary for nine months. As the Spiritual Vessel, Vessel of Honor, Singular Vessel of Devotion and House of Gold, she is the Immaculate Temple preserved from the desecration of sin.
Jesus had zeal for the temple building because it reminded him of his mother Mary.
4. The Temple helps us understand Heaven at the End of Time. The historical Temple is the pattern on which the New Heaven and New Earth (Rev 21) is described by John in the book of Revelation. There are 12 foundation stones signifying the Apostolic foundations of the Catholic Church. Jesus is the source of light and holiness in this heavenly Temple at the end of time. All of the Saints will surround the heavenly Temple to lift up their hearts in worship and praise in a way that is both right and just.
Jesus had zeal for the temple building because he is enthusiastic about our salvation.
5. The Temple is a foundation for the Catholic Mass. It was at the Temple that priests were vested and incense was lit. It was there that sacrifices like wine, bread, flesh and blood were offered for atonement of sins. It was there that seven (symbolizing perfection) candles were lit pointing to Christ as light of the world. The lambs of men were offered at the Temple pointing to Christ as the Lamb of God. The High Priest passed through the temple veil pointing to Christ as the High Priest who ascended through the mystical veil into heaven. Because of what happened at the Temple in Jerusalem, we Catholics can see our experience at Mass as the biblical meaning of sacrifice.
Jesus had zeal for the temple building because he has a love for us at Mass.
To learn more about the Temple click here.