Is That You
Seventy Times
How many trips up this hill
Carrying rocks some enormous some small as a pill
It’s my penance for doing wrong
But why oh Lord why for so long
Forever seems so extreme
Eternity no please I continue to scream
At last I’ve reached the top I can drop my load
No please no they’ve rolled to the bottom my head’s going to explode
Dante must find this terribly amusing
The constant torture my mind terrified yet still musing
Why couldn’t I just do what He asked
Now forever am I endlessly tasked
I’m sorry seventy times or was it sixty
No maybe a million it doesn’t matter exactly
I didn’t forgive my mind was selfishly closed
Stranded now forever I try to leave and am refused
Why didn’t I listen to that Kind Man
What was His Name now forever gone out of mind what a horrific conundrum
Gone is everything I knew and ever wanted
Oh what I’d give to not be eternally stranded
Sorry sorry sorry the only words I can mutter
My body overwhelmed yet only this can I muster
The strength to go back down and once again begin
Begin loading up the rocks in my sack for the infinite-th time the climb again
JFFIII 3/5/23