Giving Praise to God through song and poetry
Do you know at least one person who without your ministry will enter hell?
The Lord Jesus Christ has called each of us who does his will in order to save that one person. That soul, unknown to you or me, will open their computer and begin to read the very words that will touch their heart. God’s holy Spirit is using any one of us to reach the very lost soul that he has chosen to be saved through one word, one sentence, one particular verse that only we have been given to write.
God is opening his plan of saving souls to those of us who get up late at night, when many are touting their own sense of unseen pleasures. Here is where they must have an outlet to keep
the graces of hope alive and allow these words to enter into their stubborn attitudes.
The Holy Spirit does not endow everyone with the gifts to reach out through words of encouragement for those who may lose their souls. If you are one who has the gift of reaching out through an ability to be heard through writing, do not consider it just a pastime. Centuries ago preachers had to move from one town to the next as itinerant prophets. Later, writing became an improved method that reached many, but it took years before printing presses were invented making the results a slow process. Today, with the internet and global communications, we are the prophets now opening the minds of untold millions who have the opportunity to find God at the touch of a keyboard.
Perhaps we may not think that the seeds that save lives are at our finger-tips and each a to z we type and place on the screen will be the very pronouncement to a struggling soul who has been waiting to read and the Spirit of God already placed your voice within that one person before you were even born. “The word of the Lord came to me thus: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. Ah Lord God!” I said, I know not how to speak, I am too young.” But the Lord answered me, “Say not, I am too young.” To whomever I send you, you shall speak. Have no fear before them because I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.” (Jer 1: 4 - 8).
For those who are current writers and continue to reach out have no qualms of writing. However, if there are any one who may have trepidations be assured the Spirit of God will be the impetus to get you started. The Holy Spirit will use all of us through inspiration and guide us along using the very gifts he has already implanted within you.
Often the reason many who have an ability to write hold back is because of an unfounded fear. The many scripture passages dealing with that are numerous. “When Zechriah saw the angel, regarding the message about John, the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid.” The same angel appeared to Mary saying, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Both found in Luke; 1: 12-13, and 1: 30.
These same words can be found in Matthew 17: 6 - 7, John 14: 27, Isaiah 41: 10, and many passages throughout the bible. It is not uncommon to become afraid each time we are called to perform, but know if God has called you, he will see its accomplishments through you as well.
Ralph B. Hathaway