The Rules Don't Apply to Me
I’ve wanted to write on this topic now for a while, and was never quite able to articulate my feelings and insight on the subject. The other day, I saw a post though that has propelled me to finally act. The post was one that most of us probably see quite frequently, it was in support of same sex marriage. No big deal I guess. What really made me notice was the person issuing this post. This person is a teacher at a Catholic High School.
I can’t wrap my head around people who profess to be Catholic, yet support issues that are in direct opposition to the Church. People that in one breath encourage a weekly devotional to Catholic practices and prayer yet then support activities and issues that violate the very most basic teachings entrusted to them for teaching of the next generation of Catholics. It seem a bit hypocritical to me. Yes, I am being judgmental, not of what is in that person’s heart, but how those destructive views may be affecting many others.
Who among us are not sympathetic to the great pain those finding themselves with same sex attraction are facing; who doesn’t want to lighten their burdens, and help them find solace. Most of us will strive to support those in such a situation, and we should, with love and guidance. This guidance must lead them to a spiritual solution and thus, a real peace in Jesus. We must restrain ourselves from falling into the hole of offering a temporary, trendy, and superficial one that will only lead to more pain, heartache and spiritual deprivation. The Church can guide us toward the latter, the spiritual;our Society and pop culture will guide them toward the Earthly, and in this case the immoral and sinful.
That is the essence, of this issue of same sex marriage. We as Catholics can condemn a person’s behavior and be judgmental of it, without judging and demeaning the person. We are commanded to love our neighbors, and our enemies, and even those who persecute us; we can do this, and also educate and instruct on Truth concerning such matters. When we do this, we can offer a real and powerful alternative. The Church can offer a solution that will offer the soul and spirit true peace and relief. That doesn’t mean it will be the easy path, but it will be the most fulfilling way.
Our society is in peril. We are not in peril though because of same sex marriage and other activities once deemed immoral and wrong by society in general, and now hitting the mainstream with fervor and favor; we are in peril because WE are letting it happen, We are sitting on the sidelines and saying nothing, or even agreeing with it because we want to be me nice and because we have an distorted image of what being Christian is. This is not Charity. I would imagine that we do this and even cross the line into support, because we don’t want to seem intolerant, discriminatory and judgmental. Wow, judgmental, that is a big can of worms now, isn’t it. We don’t seem to be able to differentiate between loving instruction and admonishing of behavior, and the genuine concern and love we can have for our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is so easy to just go with the flow, and let them be, and then it becomes even easier to relate and sympathize, and ultimately support. It is in our broken nature. There is a reason why we ask for forgiveness and mercy at the beginning of Mass, not only for what we have done, but for what we have failed to do as well. It is difficult.
We look the other way when it comes to a multitude of things: contraception, sex before marriage, gluttony for the material things in life, and lust for Earthly pleasures. What we should be striving for are the virtues of temperance, courage, prudence and purity. Yes, these virtues do seem rather boring and square, but they are anything but. You see, these are the things that will bring true happiness to our souls and spirits, and we can only get there through prayer and the sacraments.
When you realize that Church Teachings are necessary for a healthy soul, they don’t seem so dull and lifeless anymore, they become life giving. We are all so broken and so weak willed. We are so easily swayed to what seems popular, exciting and new, even if it will destroy our society in the long run. Even if it seems like it is the respectable thing to do. What I can offer, is that prayer, and I mean a true daily devotion and commitment to it, will help us recognize the high road and the path to righteousness. We must not disregard Church teaching so easily. The Church has thousands of years and the Holy Spirit guiding her direction and her Truth and Teachings do not change. She doesn’t change because God’s Truth doesn’t change. The Church’s only goal is the salvation of souls, and her teachings lead down the path for that journey. Stand up for the Truth, in the in the face of unpopularity. There is only one ultimate judge. That is who we should want to obey and satisfy, not the populace.
So, I guess that is what I wanted to convey. Don’t let the devil convince us that we are acting with hatred and intolerance by admonishing the sinner and instructing the ignorant. There is a reason the Church deems these actions as Spiritual Works of Mercy. One day, those spiritual works may be all it took to get someone to Heaven, is there any greater love than helping someone along that journey when it imposes unpopularity and hardship on us. I would think Jesus would say, “No”, just look at a crucifix.