The Glory of God, How do we Share in the glory of God/
Jesus Mourns
Eileen Renders March 2024
Our sweet Jesus is in mourning for the souls that have perished and died. He mourns not for those children and souls that have died in love with, and trust in him. He mourns for those souls that have perished in the ashes of sin. For they will never again have the opportunity to rise up again and to sin no more for their destiny will be to remain under the domain of Satan, the evil one.
Jesus came to earth after our creation, and after sin came into the world manipulating our free will. He suffered and died on the Cross in penance for our sins, and before he left us, and he created the sacrament of Reconciliation to give us the choice of choosing right from wrong. Jesus wants us all to turn away from evil, and remain free from sin so that we will one day be able to return to him and experience his great love for us.
Our free will is not free as we must pay for our sins against God, and good!
The little souls that die in sickness and through war do not remain dead as we see them last, but they are lifted up in the arms of angels, and delivered to God in whom and where their love was born.
It is only those souls on earth who have been surrounded by the darkness of sin, with heavy black mist clouding their minds and blocking their ability to continue to choose good over evil whom God mourns for. We who remain in the Light of Christ must continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who have lost their way. And always, always remain in gratitude that we who remain in the Light where we can see the wickedness and destruction that accompanies the lies and promises that the evil one utilizes to lure us away from God.
Each day as we meet and greet Christ in prayer with a grateful heart for directing our steps and keeping us safe, let us never forget to pray for all those who have been deceived and have lost their way.