The Incarnational Principle: Why Matter Matters
In his dystopian novel and cautionary tale, Nineteen Eighty-Four, writer George Orwell introduces us to a sinister weapon called 'doublethink”. He says, “doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
Orwell gives some eerily familiar examples of how the elite, totalitarians use doublethink. He says, “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink”
Now let’s apply this understanding of the exercise in doublethink to our current situation. We will see that the phrase, ‘gender affirming care’ is extremely duplicitous. Those who suffer from a mental illness, namely gender dysphoria or those who are simply not mature enough to know any better are used to make a play on our emotions and our empathy. Of course, we want to affirm the person in their humanity and in their human dignity regardless of their confusion. However, notice the doublethink here in the mixing of two things; the affirmation of the person and bodily mutilation of the person through surgery or hormones for which they cleverly switch in the words ‘care’.
Similarly, the name ‘reproductive health’ sounds wonderful until you realize that it is usually a euphemism for abortion. Reproduction is a natural process whereby the miracle of conception and the birth of a child result. Likewise, who could be against health? Health is what we all desire. We pray for good health for our loved ones. Again, notice the doublethink here in the mixing of reproductive health and the termination of a human life which almost always results in a decrease in the mother’s health both bodily and mental, not to mention spiritual.
These are just two examples of how strategic wording is used to invert an illogical meaning against a logical one. This is what we call gas-lighting. Actually it is a military grade psyop. Psychological operations (psyops) are used against people in war to demoralize them and break them down.
Humanity has a long history of wartime psops in the form of propaganda and tactical deception. I mean, if you think about it, the Garden of Eden was a battlefield where the first psyop was perpetrated on an unsuspecting couple. The serpent tricked Adam and Eve into thinking it was a good idea to break the one barrier that God set up and explicitly forbade them to break. The Father of Lies laid waste to nascent humanity with doublethink and strategic wording.
There’s an old saying that ‘repetition is the mother of learning’. If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes true in the minds of the brainwashed. This steady drumbeat of lies has the power to change a person into one who has lost all grasp on sanity. It always starts with manipulating three things at once, a person's emotions, thoughts and thought process. There's another saying attributed to Gandhi, 'Our thoughts and feelings become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions become our habits. Our habits become our character. Our character becomes our destiny'. If we are not careful we may become fully habituated to the woke mind virus in a rather short span of time. This is why some of your friends, neighbors or colleagues are all in when it comes to woke ideology such as gender theory by announcing their pronouns etc..
At this stage of brainwashing a person is unaware that they have broken the law of noncontradiction. It is a law in logic which states that contradictory propositions cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time. In other words, one thing cannot be both true and not true. If something is true then the opposite of it must be false. For example, if the room is well lit then it cannot at the same time be dark.
Some have been so brainwashed and propagandized in our education, in media and in social media that they can no longer see the inherent contradictions that they hold in their thinking. Consequently, many lost souls have become comfortable with confusion. A void of common sense is the 'new normal' in our illogical, woke world.
Orwell explained brilliantly this process of ‘next-level’ doublethink…
“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it...Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.”
Remarkably, some hold that the unborn child in the womb is at once a non-person fetus without the right to life if the mother deems it so (in the case of elective abortion) and at the same time a human person if the child in the womb is murdered by someone against the wishes of the mother. Sadly, this may happen for example when a man beats or poisons his pregnant girlfriend in an effort to take the life of the child. So in the mind of the one person, a fetus is both a person and a non-person yet those contradictory propositions can’t both be true.
It has now become commonplace for a person, in an effort to be seen as empathetic and compassionate, to call a man a woman or a woman a man if that is how they ‘self-identify’. Then they will use female pronouns to describe the man as 'her' or 'she' and vilify anyone who will not play along. So the person is both a male and a female in the mind of the one who is addressing him or her. Yet, logically those contradictory propositions can’t both be true.
Totalitarianism is when everyone is lying to everyone all the time.
We are even seeing more and more of this doublethink in the Church. Take the recent declaration "On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings". If the priest giving the blessing is not clearly telling the persons to repent and change their life then it affirms their souls in a state of habitual, unrepentant mortal sin, it would be inherently illogical and potentially blasphemous. It is like saying the room (the unrepentant soul) is both light and dark. They both can’t be true.
The doublespeak here is hidden in the words 'blessing' which is associated with God's approval and 'pastoral' which is associated with fatherly love. A father would will the best for his child and not confirm him in his sin. So a 'pastoral blessing' is a wonderful gesture unless it is an actual blessing of sin. We can see a case of classic doublethink and strategic wording. Given how the bishops in Africa Have responded to the declaration, it is obviously not without inherent doublethink to say the least.
Pope Francis encourages us to “Listen to the voice of the earth...” He fully supports the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda declaring it to be “a sign of hope for mankind”. Yet at the same time the UN's 2030 agenda is, at its core, anti-human. It is fixated on de-population. The goal is to end up with less people (anti-human) for the sake of helping more people (pro-human). They both can’t be true. Someone needs to tell the Holy Father, 'we are the carbon that they want to reduce'.
It seems the real polarization in today’s world is not liberal vs. conservative or Democrat vs. Republican. It is not the boomer generation vs. the millennials or men vs. women. It is those of us clinging to reality with a deathgrip on our sanity vs. those who have been brainwashed and lost their sanity to utter illogical and deceptive programming.
It is helpful to think of this time we are living in as a type of imprisonment in a society-wide totalitarian gulag and you are the prisoner. You are like Orwell’s Winston who the guards are trying to break down psychologically. You must remain unbroken by reading true stories by men like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Walter Ciszek, Victor Frankl and Primo Levi to know what mental and spiritual strength under the most dire circumstances looks like. Read Orwell to understand the mind of evil totalitarians and stay away from cable news, mainstream local news or any of the big newspapers. Be smart and be on the lookout for doublethink. When you see it, remember that the truth is always the opposite of the message being pushed because, in the end, this is a spiritual battle. Find someone who is aware of what's happening and build relationships with people whom you trust and with whom you can speak openly.
I recommend that if you have children that you homeschool them and enroll them in a curriculum that teaches logic. A logical person is the kryptonite to the elite’s woke agenda of confusion perpetuated through the current onslaught of gaslighting and military grade psychological operations. Orwell warned us of this drive toward a dystopia.
Before it is too late we must do all we can to make Orwell fiction again.