A Procession to outdo all Processions
If True Remorse is gone what Recourse is left?
When sin becomes the one point of action in the life of a sinner, what will his recourse be if there is no repentance to be found?
The question of why there is so much turmoil in the world confounding everything humanity tries to correct? The answer began in the Garden of Eden, in the east, and God placed the man whom he made. We all know the story of how sin became the literate probability and from that time forward man has paid a price for what the devil infused into humanity. (Gn 2: 8).
In all the Courts of Justice the question that many victims and their families will ask the perpetrators; do you have any remorse for your actions? A lot of criminals may say yes if that will lighten their sentence. A priest whose ministry was to prison inmates once said; many inmates will attend worship services because it releases their incarceration for a period of time but their hearts are not there,”
There is always a hope that some of the hardened hearts will allow Christ to enter and in spite of their angry disposition that may have caused their incarceration, they may become true believers in God’s plan for them where they presently are living their lives. St. Paul’s times of spending time in jail would always be a starting point for preaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. He and others with him would sing and pray and at times convert the guards watching them. Of course they did nothing morally wrong for their arrest, but the powers-that-be had another agenda to erase worship and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Nevertheless the culprit that has initiated all of this turmoil throughout our modern cities has to be blamed on sin in its most atrocious manner turning man against man, and philosophies against righteousness. Will this never end where people do not feel safe on the streets at night? But, even that has changed dramatically as we see gangs beating up helpless citizens in our large cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Even towns like the old west were not this bad. Again, it isn’t just the way some people have become terroristic on their own, it is sin in its most outpouring of the devils way of bringing worship of God to a halt, and producing their planned manner of wanting to be like God, or better.
Putting that theory into perspective, Satan was thrown out of heaven with one third of the angels who used their free will to become proud and fight against St. Michael the Arch-angel and the good angels, long before the garden in Eden. So as much as we think sin was through Adam and Eve exclusively, it began at the creation of the world before planet earth and the creation of humanity.
Here is a paradox to sin and those who dwell in it; We were redeemed through the Incarnation of Christ. The fallen angels along with Satan are not. They already had a place with God and their purpose is to watch over the human species. Yet, human beings and angels will each be there surrounding the Throne of the Living God and worship the Holy Trinity. There will no longer be sin and God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. (Rev 21: 4), Is 25: 8).
Ralph B. Hathaway