December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception Novena, and her promise to participants
Why Do Only Some Have an Intimate Relationship with Jesus?
Eileen Renders March 2024
Here is a question that most likely resonates with all of us at one time or another: “Why do some people have a much closer relationship with Jesus than others?” Some of us may have even wondered if God has chosen favorites as his friends. A couple of considerations regarding this subject matter are important to our understanding.
When Jesus was born to his mother, he walked the earth as we do, he had Saint Joseph as a Stepfather, and the Blessed Virgin Mary as his mother. He grew up most probably helping his stepfather in his Carpentry Shop, and completing chores as requested by his parents.
As Jesus grew and matured, he went about his Father in heaven’s work and spent time in the Temple learning and teaching. When Jesus called upon the Apostles to follow him, the Gospels often depicted John, James, and Peter to have been his favorites. We do know that it was these three whom Jesus asked to follow him up to a mountain to pray, and there they witnessed the Transfiguration.
In understanding who Jesus is, we must realize that his love, protection, and mercy is equal to all of his creatures. One way to explain how and why Jesus may have spent more time with John, James, and Peter is because it was, they who were always by his side, wanting to hear more, ask questions, and comfort and support him.
An example of how that might work in our own families, imagine grandparents who live nearby their grown children and their grandchildren. Suppose they have eight grandchildren, and there are three of those grandchildren who especially like to go to Grandma’s and spend time there. In turn, they share meals with their grandparents, and listen to many stories of days gone by that they find very interesting and entertaining. This might explain why they may have a more intimate relationship with their grandparents, and exclude the idea that the grandparents chose them to be favorites.
In our lifetime we still can nurture an intimate relationship with Jesus. We do this just as the Apostles did, in following his Commandments, going to Mass, praying, and always talking to him and seeking answers from him. Would we then, not be more intimate with Jesus than those who simply go to Sunday Mass and say a few prayers now and again?