In Our Footsteps, In Our Thoughts
Did a keg of worms get opened by the blog on Healing in the Name of Jesus?
No, hopefully, what was opened were eyes, and hearts to something not seen before. Hopefully it opened us to Faith and what does it mean to BELIEVE! To believe in God the Father the Almighty who created all the heavens and the earth, in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and all the Catholic Church teaches. All---not just a pick and choose faith. All spoken of in the blog on Healing, lines up with my Catholic Church’s teachings from the Second Vatican Council.
For those who say this is not Catholic—please seek this information in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council. For those who said ask my bishop, I have, and also submitted the blog to my spiritual Director priest who said all stated lined up with Church Teaching. My Bishop speaks of his favorite Mass to attend, as our Charismatic Mass that he officiates at each year.
Just what do we believe when we say we believe? In the entire Bible there are MANY examples of ‘unbelievable’ events. There are many people, who question some of these events and DID THEY REALLY HAPPEN?
Did Jesus walk on the water or ride on the back of a dolphin to give the appearance of walking on water? Did He bless seven loaves of bread and multiply it feeding the thousands? What about the wine coming from water? Did Jonah live in the belly of the whale for three days? These are some of many examples of what people do question as to real or not real in the Bible. Seven days to create the world, or billions of years? Only Adam and Eve to begin with or was it mankind species created to begin with? So many examples of 'did that happen exactly as stated' in Scripture or not? Not my job to answer these questions---but the Holy Spirit and the Church.
Did Pentecost happen as described? Why did Jesus leave? So that the Holy Spirit could come! Did He mean it when He said if we believe, if we love as He loves, then we can do what he did and even GREATER. John 11 v17
11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves. 12Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. The Advocate. 15“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate* to be with you always, Is there a gift of healing? Gift of tongues, understanding knowledge, wisdom discernment----all these gifts given by grace of God to those who hunger and thirst for God in their lives? AHA! Maybe that is the clue--- we must hunger and thirst for God and more of God in our lives to lead us to the answers to these questions.
Maybe, your life is and has always been FINE, OKAY, all is WELL. Money in the bank, Marriage is stable, Children behave and you have such a ‘recliner chair life’ so much so that you may not need to have MORE! There are also those, dearly beloved, who do not want to have the Catholic Church they grew up in to be DIFFERENT. No Charismas please---that was for back then and not now!!! Well God is such a good God who will only give to you your hearts desires, so if this is what you want to believe and how you want to practice your faith--this is fine, and okay. This way of keeping the faith works for you ---and it is okay to sit in that pew. As for me and billions of others---we want to be as close to the Altar as possible! We want all we can have that God offers at His banquet feast!
Dearly beloved, our lives were not FINE. And so we sought and searched. —Something happened---we call it being touched by the power of the Holy Spirit! I and many others thirsted for answers to give us hope in our dark times. We wanted more of God in our spiritual walk. We believed His Word and His promises. Thirsting, we asked for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to come into our lives. We said YES---I surrender all, I die to self. I take up the crosses that come my way—I see the blessing to be found in them, the wisdom that comes in all of the trials of life. God gave us Understanding as to the whys of our fires, and tribulations. We learned that by dying to our fears, and controlling behaviors----we would experienced the Resurrecting Power of God in our lives. We have heard His inner voice within speaking to us in the many ways that He does. We have been submissive to the authorities of our Catholic Church and to the Popes who say YES, all the gifts are real, and should be manifested in your live. (Second Vatican Council Documents)
We have experienced being resurrected from the deadness our sinful lifestyles and we KNOW what it means to have the LIVING Waters of life flowing through us. We know that we must obey His commandments especially the one to go forth and spread His love and His teachings. (IF it were not for all the miracles that Jesus did---NO ONE would have come to believe that HE was the Messiah sent to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He would have been just another fanatical ‘Joe’ on the streets of Jerusalem. If we want to share the story of Jesus—then the charismas help to continue to prove HE IS STILL ALIVE in each of us.)
Recall what He said when proclaiming the Kingdom of God being among us. The blind will see, the crippled will walk and the captive will be set free. THIS IS HEALING.
What does it mean to live in this Kingdom of God? If Jesus is King of our life, then we should live His ways not our ways? When we say we have faith, is it to believe in only in what we see as believable? You can have all the knowledge and teachings found in books but until you experience being touched by God---you only have knowledge of Him. Want to meet the God of gods for real? Then hunger and thirst enough to put down human control and open up to the Holy Spirit. We are told by His Promises I will pour out My Spirit on all of mankind in the last days. (And yes, we are in the last days. The last days began as soon as the beginning days were over.)
Open your eyes and see with eyes of a child, and seek the Lord while He still can be found. We can do all things In Him, With Him and Through Him for the Glory, Honor and Praise of God. Remember ---we are the Bible people read. Faith without action is just words. Let us also remember that all we do must be done with the power of God’s love coming through from within.
May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.