And What About the Children?
By Larry Peterson
It is time to Shut-up !
If you think Joe Biden's public memory lapses are FUNNY---they are NOT. If you insist that it is normal behavior---It is NOT.
I am writing this because of two words: dementia and Alzheimer's. Why?---because, as the widower of a woman who had both Alzheimer's disease and cancer (lymphoma), I am sick and tired of listening to all of these news pundits, commentators, celebrities, and others opine about Joe Biden and his cognitive condition. I believe none of them have a clue as to what they are talking about. I believe his wife and other family members are indifferent to his condition. Otherwise, how could they have allowed him to be the foil for the progressive left? They allowed him to run in 2020 and, for the most part, kept him in the basement. Enough said.
My wife, Martha
On March 27, 2017, my wife, Martha, died. Her passing was the result of two unexpected life-threatening entities invading her mortal body..One of them was (B-cell lymphoma (aka cancer of the lymphatic system). That diagnosis was completed and confirmed in 2010.
The other took a bit longer to identify. That was because early symptoms were placed in the folder known as "wait and see." The official results were announced in 2013. That was after several years of tests, including several in-depth evaluations by qualified psychologists and a neurologist who studied Marty's brain MRI. Alzheimer's disease had snuck into Marty's head.
Unknown to anyone, its never-ending eraser had been working non-stop for several years. Its silent, unseen dedication of going "woosh—woosh" began sharing its success when she began forgetting where she placed her keys or purse. That forgetfulness would eventually advance to forgetting who I was. It did not happen overnight. As her caregiver, I have to admit, it was awful being witness to her slow deterioration into mental blankness every day. It was my uncompromising Catholic faith that carried me through.
Being caregiver to an Alzheimer patient
What follows is an article I wrote in 2015. It is about Marty living with Alzheimer's and me doing my best to live the "Better or Worse' part the best I oould. I am posting this because unless you live with a loved one who had ever increasing dementia you cannot understand. I would hope that all the media experts on dementia might just shut up about something they know nothing about and maybe reach down inside themselves and grab onto some forgotten spirituality buried inside them and say a prayer for all those who have dementia and those who care for them. I just hope someone who does not know about Alzheimer's and dementia reads this and it helps them understand just a bit what this disgusting disease can do.
From 2015* Please note that statistics for 2024 are at the link at the end
It is now more than one year since my wife, Marty, was diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease. The doctor gave us the news as we sat together. She acted as if she understood. She did not. I have told her that she has Alzheimer's disease, and she tells me that she understands. She does not. What she does understand is that something is terribly wrong with her memory. Watching her fight to remember simple everyday things, such as whether or not she likes coffee ,yet has been drinking it her entire life, is heartbreaking.
No one can tell she is ill except me, of course, and several close friends who know about her condition. When I take her with me to church, stores, etc., and see people we know, I always hear how "wonderful" she looks. Yeah, well, the Titanic looked bright and shiny as it headed out into the Atlantic that cold April day in 1912. When the iceberg did its dirty deed, the Titanic was doomed. I bet it sure looked pretty for a while. But nothing could have ever stopped her from sinking into the cold Atlantic.
I had a "new child."
Marty has become my new child existing in an older body. She is very insecure and becomes frightened if I am not nearby. She still tries to maintain her independence as a self-sufficient person even though she cannot remember where to put the forks or cups. As her caregiver, my life has become disconnected and very unpredictable because of her needing so much while trying not to need anything. Alzheimer's is never just the patient's illness. On the contrary, its evil nature latches on to the love of those close to its victim, using that love in a sordid attempt to destroy their spirit. That often results in abject failure because the love proves so much stronger than the disease.
For me, my work as a writer has become a bit scattered. It has become a fascinating existence where the focus has become an elusive shadow, and cohesive sentences are written in pieces and then squirreled together at another time. However, as a man of faith who trusts the God above, I realize that this woman is now a special gift from Him entrusted to my care. I have told Him, "No problem, Lord, I have her back and will do my best until whatever is to be will be." (But I do have my moments)
Today, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's Disease and about 200,000 of those folks are under the age of 65. It is the only disease among the top ten that cannot be prevented, slowed, or cured. The disease kills more people every year than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. It is estimated that by the year 2050, 16 million people will have this disease. Someone in the United States develops Alzheimer's every 67 seconds. They have estimated that by 2050, it will be every 33 seconds. This is an epidemic growing before our eyes. It is also becoming a nightmare for more and more moms, dads, sons, daughters, grandchildren, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, and society itself.
Imagine that all around the country, people like Marty Peterson are having their brains slowly erased by an invisible demon inside their heads. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh; back and forth, back and forth, the tiny eraser keeps moving--back and forth, back and forth. Slowly but methodically, the demon goes about its work 24/7. After a while, the person under attack does not even remember how to go to the bathroom. And then, after a time, the eraser stops. It stops when the disease finally erases the person's life.
That is the course of the relentless, unstoppable illness known as Alzheimer's Disease. It is at work at this very moment in all corners of the world. Somehow, we will have to stop it. We will need God's help because this war cannot be won without Him.
copyright©Larry Peterson 2015 and 2024
Alzheimer and dementia statistics 2024 *
There are many kinds of dementia.—Alzheimer's is the most common, but there are others, such as :
· Vascular Dementia
· LewyBody Dementia
· Frontotemporal Dementia
· Huntington's Disease
· Creutzfelldt6-Jakob Disease You will have to look that up. BUT, there are many more
Please pray for all those with Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias as well as their caregivers.
copyrightLarry Peterson 2024